
Redovni profesor
Prof. dr Mirjana Radović Marković

Prof. dr Mirjana Radović-Marković je državljanka Republike Srbije, rođena u Beogradu .U Beogradu je
završila svoje kompletno obrazovanje. Po završetku gimnazije upisuje Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u
Beogradu, a zatim na istom Fakultetu nastavlja poslediplomske studije, gde je odbranila 1982. god.
magistarski rad. Na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Beogradu je doktorirala u svojoj tridesetoj godini. Posle
odbranjene doktorske teze, svoje stručno usavršavanje nastavlja u inostranstvu. Prvo u Holandiji u
Institutu za društvene nauke Hague1987. godine , a zatim dobija stipendiju Ujedinjenih nacija 1988. i
odlazi na postdoktorske studije na Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet Lomonosov u Moskvi. Naredne , 1989.
godine odlazi na studijski boravak u Sjedinjene Američke Države.
Svoju naučnu aktivnost započela je kao student druge godine studija kada je njen nagrađen rad „ Zakon
koncentracije i centralizacije kapitala u Marksovom opusu, marksističkoj teoriji i savremenosti „ izložila na
engleskom jeziku u Crnogoskoj Akademiji nauka i umjetnosti na naučnom skupu „Rikardo , Marks, Lenjin
i savremena ekonomska misao „, Herceg Novi, 26-28. oktobra 1977. godine (izdat rad u kviru zbornika
radova , Odelenje društvenih nauka CANU ,1980). Po završetku redovnih studija radila je prvo u
Ekonomskom Institutu, a nastavila je svoju bogatu karijeru u Institutu ekonomskih nauka, Univerzitetu
privredna akademija i Union Univerzitetu. Rad u nauci i obrazovanju paralelno tokom karijere , omogućilo
joj je da stekne zvanja redovnog profesora i naučnog savetnika na više unierziteta u zemlji i inostranstvu.
Smatra se jednim od začetnikoma istraživanja u oblasti ekonomije preduzetništva na prostorima bivše
Jugoslavije, što je rezultiralo njenim prvim udžbenikom „Preduzetništvo“, BK , Beograd,1993. Naučne
radove publikuje kod vodećih svetskih izdavača. Izdavačka kuća EMERALD iz Velike Britanije dodelila joj je
2018.godine nagradu za najbolji naučni rad i prvu nagradu u kategoriji 200 radova objavljenih prethodne
godine. Takođe , prof. dr Mirjana Radović-Marković verifikovala je dugogodišnji naučni rad kroz članstvo
u najvišim telima Ministarstva za prosvetu, nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije (član Nacionalnog
saveta za nauku od 2016-2021., član Matičnog odbora za društvene nauke od 2010-2016. i član
Nacionalnog saveta za visoko obrazovanje 2022- danas), kao i kroz tesnu naučnu i pedagošku saradnju sa
Republikom Crnom Gorom. Dobitnik je osamnaest nacionalnih i međunarodnih nagrada, član je deset
međunarodnih akademija nauka i umetnosti i nosilac pet počasnih doktorata. Knjige prof.dr Mirjane
Radović Marković, koriste se kao osnovna ili dopunska literatura na univerzitetima u zemlji i šire. Napisala
je dvadesetak programa za master i doktorske studije iz oblasti preduzetništva i ženskog preduzetništva,
kao i održala po pozivu predavanja na više univerziteta (Oxford University, Velika Britanija, Franklin
College, Švajcarska, St.Kliment Ohridski,Bugarska, i dr.). Pored toga, osnivač je i glavni urednik tri naučna
časopisa -Journal of Women ` s Entrepreneurship and Education (SKOPUS Q3), International Review (ESCI
WOS) i Entrepreneurship and Business Resilience (ERIH +) ,kao i osnivač međunarodne konferencije „
Entrepreneurship , Ecucation and Employment -EEE ) , koja je prošle godine proslavila svoju
desetogodišnjicu. Rukovodila je projektima OECD -a, Evropske komisije, i Ministarstva za prosvetu, nauku
i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije i radila je na projektima CANU, Crna Gora.
Prof. dr Mirjana Radović-Marković je prema prema AD Scientific Index 2022 – Hiršov indeks 25 (2450
citata) proglašena za najcitiranijeg ekonomistu u Srbiji. Dostupno na linku : Mirjana Radovic Markovic - AD
Scientific Index 2023 i Linku: Serbia Scientist and University Economics & Econometrics in Serbia Rankings
2023 - AD Scientific Index .

Prof. dr Mirjana Radović-Marković je u dosadašnjem radu objavila 278 naučnih radova, od kojih su 19 na
SCI listi i 31 na SCOPUS-u. Pored navedenog, objavila je 15 monografija na engleskom jeziku, u izdanju
Routledge, Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, Francis Taylor, Sage, Gower Publishing Limited, EMERALD.
Najpoznatije su njene knjige „Entrepreneurship and Work in Gig Economy “(2021), „Globalization and
Entrepreneurship in Small Countries “, (2019), zatim „Qualitative methods in economics“, (2017), kao i
knjiga „Women and entrepreneurship: female durability, persistence and intuition at work“ (2013) (bila
bestseler u Americi i Kanadi u julu i avgustu 2014). Takođe je objavila 10 nacionalnih monografija ,5
udžbenika i 45 poglavlja u međunarodnim publikacijama.
Dobitnica je 20 nacionalnih i međunarodnih nagrada za svoj naučni i pedagoški rad.
Među njima se izdvajaju :
➢ godišnja nagrada za doprinos u razvoju programa i unapređenje Univerziteta Union, Beogradska
Bankarska Akademija -Fakultet za bankarstvo, finansije i osiguranje, Beograd (2019).
➢ godišnja nagrada „Tomislav Popović“ za izuzetan naučni doprinos Instituta ekonomskih nauka u
Beogradu (2017 i 2021).
➢ godišnja nagrada „Kapetan Miša Anastasijević“ za izuzetna naučna postignuća i promociju
➢ prva nagrada za najbolji naučni rad za 2017.god., EMERALD LITERALI AWWARDS 2018, koji bira i
nagrađuje svetski poznata izdavačka kuća EMERALD iz Velike Britanije, Jul 2018
➢ uvršćena u Oksford enciklopediju uticajnih naučnika, London, 2016.
➢ dobitnica godišnje nagrade za međunarodnu izvrsnost u oblasti obrazovanja koja se dodeljuje
najuspešnijim ženama edukatorima, EXCELLENCE WOMAN AWARD 2016. Kolombo , Šri Lanka,
april 2016.
➢ dobitnica nagrade za izvrsnost u oblasti edukacije održivog razvoja i globalnog mira (jednomesečni
program), u organizaciji Ujedinjenih nacija i Akademije za univerzalni globalni mir iz Indije, Njujork,
Sjedinjene Države, jun, 2010.
➢ dobitnica je godišnje nagrade Cvet uspeha za 2020 za akademski doprinos ženskom
preduzetništvu, Udruženje poslovnih žena Srbije, Beograd , 28. Oktobar 2020.
Najnovija nagrada joj je dodeljena 2023. godine pod nazivom „Kentucky Colonel” , koja se daje
najzaslužnijim pojedincima u nauci , sportu i drugim oblastima i smatra se najvećim priznanjem koje
dodeljuje guverner države Kentaki , Sjedinjene Države ( dodeljuje se nagrada od 18. veka).
Učestvovala je po pozivu na 26 konferencija sa plenarnim predavanjima koja su objavljena u zbornicima
ili naučnim časopisima, među kojima se izdvajaju u skorije vreme u Crnoj Gori:

konferenciji „Humanities and the contemporary world “, Crnogorska akademija nauka i
umjetnosti (CANU), 7-9 June 2012, Podgorica, Crna Gora
HEALTH AND PROFIT? prezentacija na međunarodnoj konferenciji, „TRANSITION TO A NEW
SOCIETY“Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti (CANU), 20-22 mart 2014, Podgorica ,
Crna Gora .

PRAKSE, Savez ekonomista Crne Gore, u saradnji sa Ekonomskim fakultetom u Podgorici i
Fondacijom Friedrich Ebert, Okrugli sto: „MLADI I ZAPOŠLJAVANJE U CRNOJ GORI“,
Ekonomski fakultet, 28. maj 2014, Podgorica, Crna Gora
Ekonomija Crne Gore - Saradnjom do prosperiteta, plenarno predavanje po pozivu,
Privredna komora Crne Gore, 28-29. novembar 2013. Budva , Crna Gora.
naučna tribina Crnogorske akademije nauka i umjetnosti (CANU), 18. aprila 2019. godine ,
Podgorica, Crna Gora; Rad je objavljen u GLASNIK-u Odelenja društvenih nauka (urednik
akad.Z.Rašović) , CANU ,tom 25 , 2021. Str. 197-210., Podgorica ,Crna Gora.

Prof.Radović-Marković je takodje radila na pisanju naučnih radova i monografija sa kolegama iz Crne Gore
ili objavljivala u Crnoj Gori, medju kojima se izdvajaju :

➢ Mirjana Radovic-Markovic & Borislav Đukanovic (2022) .Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in
the Context of the Global Work and Business Environment, Charlotte, US : Information Age
Publishing (IAP), Inc., United States
➢ Borislav Đukanovic, Nebojsa Macanovic, Mirjana Radovic Markovic (2021).Leisure activities of
the population in Montenegro, International review, Visoka skola za poslovnu ekonomiju i
preduzetnistvo ,No.3-4, str.105-119.
➢ Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, Miloš Vučeković, Dušan Marković (2021). Uticaj globalizacije na
inovacije u Crnoj Gori i zemljama zapadnog Balkana, Megatrend revija : međunarodni časopis za
primenjenu ekonomiju, Megatredn univerzitet,Vol.18, No.3.str.21-33.
➢ Miloš Vučeković, Mirjana Radović-Marković, Borislav Đukanović, Svetlana Duković, Arsen
Dragojević (2021). Gender Aspects of Working from Home in Serbia, Journal of Women's
Entrepreneurship and Education, Institute of Economic Sciences, Issue 1-2, str. 18-36.
➢ Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, Dejan Radulović, Đukanović, Borislav Đukanovic, Imani Silver Kyaruzi,
(2021) .Flexibility and adaptation: the new post-Covid era. Silver and Smith Publishers,
Birmingham, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-1-80068-337-2
➢ Mirjana Radović Marković, Miloš Vučeković (2020) .The expansion of freelance work in
Montenegro, Journal emerging trends in business economics: towards competitiveness,
digitalization and financial innovation, Vol.10,No.28., str. 123 -143.
➢ Mirjana Radović Marković and Tatjana Vujović (2019). Analysis of providing support to
marginalized groups of population for starting business through education process: Case of
Serbia and Montenegro, Scientific Conference on Economic Development and Policies: Realities
and Prospects, dedicated to the Institute's 70th anniversary, Economic Research, Bulgarian
Academy of Science, November 21-22, 2019, Sofia

➢ Mirjana Radovic-Markovic (2007). New Economy and Global Challenge: Winning Model of
Successful Small Business Organizations, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 3, Issue 6, 121-
➢ Mirjana Radovic-Markovic (2004). Process of Globalization in Serbia and Montenegro . Link :
Process of Globalization in Serbia and Montenegro (

Nedavno je angažovana je na istraživačkim poslovima na projektu „Globalizacija i male zemlje – slučaj
Crne Gore” – rukovodilac projekta akademik Dragan K. Vukčević , projektu Crnogorske akademije nauka
i umjetnosti (CANU),gde je kao rezultat ovog angažmana proistekla knjiga „Entrepreneurship and Work
in Gig Economy“, Routledge , London & New York ,2021.
Pored dugogodišnje naučne saradnje sa naučnicima i akademicima iz Crne Gore , ima i akademsku
saradnju sa Fakultetima za humanističke studije i Pravnim fakultetom , Univerziteta Donja Gorica , gde od
2019. godine kao redovan profesor predaje na master i doktorskim studijama predmete Metodologija
istraživačkog rada i Metode istraživanja (istraživački projekat). Za potrebe studenata na Univerzitetu Donja
Gorica , prof.Radović-Marković je napisala i objavila udžbenik “Metodologija Istraživačkog rada u
društvenim naukama”, UDG, Podgorica 2019.
Mentor je kandidatkinji Svetlani Duković za izradu doktorske disertacije pod nazivom Perspektive razvoja
freelancing-a u uslovima savremene Crne Gore , za koju je kandidatkinja dobila stipendiju od Ministarstva
prosvjete, nauke, kulture i razvoja uz preporuku prof.Radović-Marković i njenih kompetencija kao

(Izabrane reference)

➢ Međunarodne monografije (2007-2022)

1. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Đukanović, Borislav (2022) .Macroeconomics of Western Balkans
in the Context of the Global Work and Business Environment, Charlotte, US : Information Age
Publishing (IAP), Inc., United States . Link : Macroeconomics of Western Balkans in the Context
of the Global Work and Business Environment: Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Đukonović, Borislav:
9781648029158: Books
2. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Đukanović, Borislav Marković, Dušan, Dragojević Arsen (2021).
Entrepreneurship and Work in the Gig Economy -The Case of the Western Balkans, Routledge,
London, United Kingdom, ISBN 9780367725778. Link : Entrepreneurship and Work in the Gig
Economy | The Case of the Western (
3. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Raghu Bir Bista (2020).16 RULE FOR ENTERPRISES AND
ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Center for Integrated Development Studies, Katmandu, Nepal ISBN-979-
8678918895 | 25 Aug 2020. Link: 16 RULE FOR ENTERPRISES AND
ENTREPRENEURSHIP eBook : Bista, Mirjana Radović Marković Raghu Bir, Bista, Raghu Bir: Kindle
4. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Raghu Bir Bista (2020). BUSINESS START UP & MICRO ENTERPRISE
DEVELOPMENT , Center for Integrated Development Studies , Katmandu, Nepal, ISBN- 979-
Radović Marković Raghu Bir, Bista, Raghu Bir: 9798678979025: Books
5. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Raghu Bir Bista (2020). ENTERPRISES AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP,
Center for Integrated Development Studies, Katmandu, Nepal, ISBN 979-8679335066. Link:
Raghu Bir: 9798679335066: Books
6. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Tomaš, Rajko (2019), Globalization and Entrepreneurship in Small
Countries, New York, NY: Routledge, United States. 174 str. ISBN 9780367250751. Link:
Globalization and Entrepreneurship in Small Countries | Mirjana Radovi (
7. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Avolio Aleči, Beatris (2017), Qualitative methods in economics.
Abingdon , Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, United States, 2017. 208 str. ISBN 978-11-38692-

47-3. [COBISS. SR -ID 512402786]. Link: Qualitative Methods in Economics | Mirjana Radović-
Marković, Beatrice (

8. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Baltezarević, Vesna, Baltezarević, Radoslav, Marković, Dušan (2014)
Virtual Organisation and motivational business management, Alma Mater Europaea-Evropski
centar, Maribor, Slovenia i Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, Srbija, 212 str. ISBN 978-961-
93493-7-3 . Link: (1) (PDF) Virtual organisation and motivational business management

9. Avolio Aleči, Beatris & Radović Marković, Mirjana (2013), Women and entrepreneurship:
female durability, persistence and intuition at work. London , Gower Publishing Limited &
Routledge, United Kingdom, 2013. 162 str., ISBN 978-1-4094-6618-5. Link:
Women and Entrepreneurship: Female Durability, Persistence and Intuition at Work:
9781409466185: Alecchi, Beatrice E. Avolio, Radović-Marković, Mirjana: Books
10. Radović Marković, Mirjana, (2012), Impact of Globalization on Organizational Culture, Behavior
and Gender role. Charlotte ,US : Information Age Publishing (IAP), Inc., United States, 2012. XIV ,
154 str, ISBN 978-1-61735-695-7. Link: Impact of Globalization on Organizational Culture,
Behaviour and Gender Role - Kindle edition by Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana. Politics & Social
Sciences Kindle eBooks @
11. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Salamazdeh, Aidin (2012), The Nature of Entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Activities. Saarbrucken : VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Germany,
2012. ISBN 978-3-659-14311-3. Link: The Nature Of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs and
Entrepreneurial Activities: Markovic, Mirjana Radovic, Salamzadeh, Aidin: 9783659143113: Books
12. Omolaja , Anila & Radović Marković, Mirjana (2011), Management dynamics in the new
economy. Saarbrücken : VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Germany, 2011. 397 str. ISBN 978-3-639-37237-
3. Link: Management Dynamics: In The New Economy: Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana, Ayinla
Omolaja, Muhammed: 9783639372373: Books
13. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Imani Kiaruzi, Silver (2010),Women in Business: theory, practice
and flexible approaches. London , United Kingdom: Adonis and Abbey Publishers, Ltd., 2010. 280
str. ISBN 978-1-9067-0444-5. Link: Women in Business: Theory, Practice and
Flexible Approaches: 9781906704698: Mirjana Radovic Markovic, Imani Silver Kyaruzi: Books
14. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2009). Women Entrepreneurs: New opportunities and Challenges’,
Indo-American Books, Delhi, India, 2009.206 str. ISBN 978-818-9617-83-7. Link: Women
Entrepreneurs: New Opportunities and Challenges: Mirjana Radovic Markovic: 9788189617837: Books
15. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Omolaja, Anila (2009), Modern management: concepts and
topical issues. 1st ed. Mumbai, New Delhi, Nagpur: Himalaya Publishing House, India, 2009. 576
str. ISBN 1024318864. Link: EconPapers: Book Review: Modern Management - Concepts and
Topical Issues (

➢ Monografska publikacija/poglavlje u knjizi ili rad u tematskom zborniku od
međunarodnog značaja (2007-2022)

1. Salamzadeh Aidin, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Ghiat Boufeldja (2022) .Women’s

Entrepreneurship in Algeria (Chapter 3), In:Women Entrepreneurs in North Africa-
Historical Frameworks, Ecosystems and New Perspectives for the Region, World Scientific

Publishing Company .,pp.87-103. Link: Women
Entrepreneurs in Algeria (

2. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Jovanović, Jovica (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on Working from Home
in Serbia: Possibilities and Consequences, U: Vidaković (ur.) Lovrinović (ur.). Macroeconomic
Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic-Policies from Southeast Europe, London, Velika Britanija,
Springer, str. 345-347. ISBN 978-3-030-75443-3. Link: Impact of COVID-19 on Working from Home
in Serbia: Possibilities and Consequences | SpringerLink
3. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Vučeković, Miloš, Salamzadeh Aidin (2021). Investigating
Employment Discrimination and Social Exclusion: Case of Serbia, U Medani P. Bhandari; (ur.)
Shvindina Hanna (ur.). Social Inequality as a Global Challenge, Danska : River Publishers, str. 105-
117. ISBN 978-87-70225-98-4. Link: Investigating Employment Discrimination and Social
Exclusion: Case of (
4. Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana, Pindžo, Renata (2020). Importance of Gastronomy for Further
Tourism Development in Western Balkans Economies with Focus on Serbia, U : Almir Peštek (Ur.),
Marko Kukanja (Ur.) i Sanda Renko (Ur.).Gastronomy for Tourism Development: Potential of the
Western Balkans, Bingley, England: EMERALD Publishing Limited, str. 185-212. ISBN 978-1-
7897375-6-1. Link: Importance of Gastronomy for Further Tourism Development in Western
Balkans Economies with Focus on Serbia | Emerald Insight
5. Vučeković, Miloš,Goran Avlijaš, Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana (2020).The impact of covid-19

pandemic on business organizations and workforce in Serbia, U: Zorana Nikitović (Ur.) i Radovic-
Markovic, Mirjana (Ur.). Ninth International Scientific Conference EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION

AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (EEE2020) Belgrade, Serbia, 23 October 2020., str. 9-15. ISBN 978-86-
6069-180-6. Link : Medimond Template (
6. Radović -Marković , Mirjana ,(2019) . The Impact of Globalization on Entrepreneurship in Small
Countries : A Case of Serbia and Western Balkan Countries. U : JANEV, Igor (ur.), JANEV, Igor (ur.).
Serbia : current political, economic and social issues and challenges. New York, USA: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., 2018, str. 3-22, graf. prikazi , tabele. [COBISS. SR -ID 512543074]. Link: Chapter 1
7. Salamazdeh , Aidin & Radović Marković, Mirjana (2018) Shortening the learning curve of media
start: Ups in accelerators : case of a developing country. U : GYAMFI, Albert (ur.), WILLIAMS,
Idongesit (ur.). Evaluating media richness in organizational learning. Hershey , PA: Information
Science Reference, IGI Global, United States [2018], str. 36-48 , doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2956-
9.ch003. [COBISS. SR -ID 512459362]. Link: (1) Shortening the Learning Curve of Media Start-Ups
in Accelerators: Case of a Developing Country | Request PDF (
8. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Tomaš-Miškin, Sonja, (2018). Challenges in the Management of
Virtual Organization. U : RADOVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ur.), VUJIČIĆ, Sladjana (ur.), SILVER
KYARUZI Imani (ur.). Proceedings Business management, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial
tendencies, Silver & Smith Publishers, London, Great Britain,str. 197-210.
9. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Salamazdeh Aidin (2018). The Importance of Communication in
Business Management. U : RADOVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ur.), VUJIČIĆ,Sladjana (ur.), SILVER
KYARUZI, Imani (ur.). Proceedings Business management,entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial
tendencies, Silver & Smith Publishers, London, Great Britain, pp. 11-29. Link: (1) (PDF) The
Importance of Communication in Business Management (
10. Shoaib F.M. & Radović Marković, Mirjana. (2017 ), Entrepreneurial Perspective of Homestay
Operators: A Qualitative Study From Emerging Tourism Industry, U: Nikitovic, (ed.), Kyaruzi (ed.),
Cogoljevic (ed.), Newton Abbot: Compass Publishing, United Kingdom 2017, str.55-70. ISBN 978-

1-912009-83-1. Link: (1) Entrepreneurial Perspective of Homestay Operators: A Qualitative Study
from Emerging Tourism Industry | Request PDF (
11. Shoab F.M. & Radović Marković, Mirjana. (2017 ), Impact of Business Simulation Games on
Entrepreneurial Intentions of Business Graduates: A PLS-SEM APPROACH, U: Radovic Markovic
(ed.), Shoaib Farooq (ed.), Vujicic (ed.). ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND TYPES OF LEADERSHIP
United Kingdom. 2017 , str. 11-25 . ISBN 978-1-912009-87-9. Link: (1) Impact of Business
Simulation Games on Entrepreneurial Intentions of Business Graduates: A PLS-SEM Approach |
Request PDF (
12. .Radović -Marković, Mirjana, Radović, Gordana, Damnjanović, Aleksandar (2017), The impact of
education on entrepreneurs activity and employment among marginalized groups: an evidence
of Serbia. U : RADOVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ur.), NIKITOVIĆ, Zorana (ur.), ZANADU, Linjie Chou
(ur.). Insights and potential sources of new entrepreneurial growth : Proceedings of the
international roundtable on entrepreneurship, 4 december 2016. Belgrade. Bologna, Filodiritto
Publisher Inforomatica, Italy, 2017, str. 356-369 ,
[COBISS. SR -ID 512434786]. Link: The impact of education on entrepreneurs activity and
employment among marginalized groups: an evidence of Serbia Digitalni repozitorijum Instituta
ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu (
13. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Shoab Faruk, Muhamad, Marković, Dušan (2017). Strengthening the
resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises. U : TAKÁCS, István (ur.). Management ,
enterprise and benchmarking in the 21st century IV: "Global challenges, local answers". Budapest
: Óbuda University, 2017, str. 345-356, graf. prikazi , tabele. [COBISS. SR -ID 512444514]. Link: Springer (uni-

14. Grozdanić, Radmila, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Vukosavljević, Dejan and Vukosavljević, Danijela
(2016), Poverty reduction by financial inclusion of women: evidence from Serbia. In :
Development, competitiveness and inequality in EU and Western Balkans. Sofia University St.
Kliment Ohridski, Sofia,Bulgaria, 2016, str. 101-114 . ISBN 978-954-07-4066-9. Link: Poverty
reduction by financial inclusion of women: evidence from Serbia Digitalni repozitorijum Instituta
ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu (
15. Munitlak -Ivanović, Olja & Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2016), Small and medium enterprises and
green economy in Serbia. U : SZABÓ, Antal (ur.), DÜRKOP, Colin (ur.). SMEs and green economy.
Konrad -Adenauer -Stiftung , Ankara, Turkey, 2016, str. 225-246 . [COBISS. SR -ID 512404578]
16. Shoab Faruk, Muhamed & Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2016). Modeling entrepreneurial
education and entrepreneurial skills as antecedents of intention towards entrepreneurial
behaviour in single mothers: A PLS-SEM APPROACH, In: Entrepreneurship: Types, current trends
and future perspectives, Bar Code Graphics, NC. Chicago. IL , 6061,United States of America and
Akamai University ,United States, Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade,
Serbia and Institute of Social Entrepreneurship (IRESEED), Great Britain (co-publishers), str. 198-
217 . ISBN: 978-1-5323-2194-8. Link: (1) Modeling Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurial

Skills as Antecedents of Intention towards Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Single Mothers: A PLS-
SEM Approach | Request PDF (

17. Radović -Marković, Mirjana, Marković, Dušan, Vučeković, Miloš, (2016). Role of E-learning in
building leaders competencies. U : BALTEZAREVIĆ, Radoslav (ur.), BALTEZAREVIĆ, Vesna (ur.),

BALTEZAREVIĆ, Borivoje (ur.). Leaders as players of a new era. Saarbrücken : Lap Lambert
Academic Publishing, 2016, str. 253-273 . [COBISS. SR -ID 512371042] .Link: View article
18. Grozdanić, Radmila & Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2015), Family businesses motives for
internationalisation: evidence from Serbia. U : DANA, Léo-Paul (ur.), RAMADANI, Veland (ur.).
Family businesses in transition economies: management, succession and internationalization.
Heidelberg [etc.]: Springer, Germany, cop. 2015, str. 267-292 , doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-14209-
8_13. [COBISS. SR -ID 512290402]. Links: Family businesses motives for internationalisation :
evidence from Serbia - EconBiz; EconPapers: Family Businesses Motives for Internationalisation:
Evidence from Serbia (
19. Radović -Marković , Mirjana (2015), Female entrepreneurship in transition economies: an
overview. U : GËRGURI-RASHITI, Shqipe (ur.), FAYOLLE, Alain (ur.), RAMADANI, Veland. Female
entrepreneurship in transition economies: trends and challenges. Houndmills , Basingstoke,
Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, London,United Kingdom, 2015, str. 9-30 . [COBISS. SR -ID
512289634]. Link: Female Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Trends and Challenges |
20. Radović -Marković , Mirjana (2015), Towards sustainability in the "green economy" - theoretical
overview. U : RADOVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ur.), NIKITOVIĆ, Zorana (ur.), JOVANČEVIĆ, Dragica
(ur.). Toward green economy: opportunities and obstacles for Western Balkan countries.
Bloomington : Xlibris, United States, 2015, str. 1-16 . [COBISS. SR -ID 47834127]. Link: Towards
sustainability in the "green economy": theoretical review - CORE
21. Radović -Marković , Mirjana (2015), Rural Women’s Inequalities and Household Disparities.U:
Luminita Chivu (ur.), Constantin Ciutacu (Ur.),Valeriu Ioan-Franc (ur.), and Jean-Vasile Andrei (ur.).
Peter Lang, Brussels, Belgium, 2015, str. 431-446. ISBN :9783631696644DOI : Link: (1) (PDF) Rural Women’s Inequalities and
Household Disparities (
22. Grozdanić, Radmila & Radović-Marković, Mirjana & Jevtić, Boris (2015),Micro-Financing Support
to Entrepreneurship Development-Evidences from Serbia U: Luminita Chivu (ur.), Constantin
Ciutacu (Ur.), Valeriu Ioan-Franc (ur.), and Jean-Vasile Andrei (ur.). Peter Lang, Brussels, Belgium,
2015, str. 393-407. ISBN :9783631696644DOI :
Link: Micro-financing support to entrepreneurship development : evidences from Serbia - EconBiz
23. Radović Marković, Mirjana & Vučeković, Miloš, (2015). The role of information management in
decision making and business success. In : Challenges to promoting entrepreneurship, leadership
and competitiveness / International conference employment, education and enterpreneurship.
Faculty of business economics and entrepreneurship; Bar code graphics, Belgrade; Chicago ,
United States str. 175-187 . ISBN 978-86-6069-116-5 (FBEE); 978-1-4951-7656-2(BCG). Links: The
role of information management in decision making and business success Digitalni repozitorijum
Instituta ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu ( ; Radovic-Markovic, M., & Vučeković, M.
(2015). The Role of Information Management in Decision Making and Business Success. In
Challenges to Promoting Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Competitiveness/International
Conference Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship (pp. 175-187). Chicago, IL Faculty of
Business Economics and Entrepreneurship; Bar Code Graphics, Belgrade. - References - Scientific
Research Publishing (

24. Radović Marković, Mirjana, (2014), Towards Sustainability in the “Green Economy“-Theoretical
WESTERN BALKAN COUNTRIES, Xlibris,United States. Link: Towards sustainability in the "green
economy": theoretical review Digitalni repozitorijum Instituta ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu
25. Radović Marković, Mirjana, (2014). Meaningful work and work motivation. U : KRUMOV, Krum
(ur.), KAMENOVA, Margarita (ur.), RADOVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ur.). The individual and society
: challenges of social change. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sofia: s.n., 2014, str. 63-74
. [COBISS. SR -ID 512243810]
26. Radović -Marković, Mirjana, Lindgren, Carl Edvin (2014), Genetically modified foods vs. organic
foods = is there a conflict between health and profit? U : ĐUROVIĆ, Momir (ur.). Proceedings,
(Scientific Meetings, vol. 124). Podgorica : Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2014. [COBISS. SR -ID
512259682]. Link: Genetically modified foods vs. organic foods: is there a conflict between health
and profit? - WAAS (
27. Radović -Marković , Mirjana, (2014), From organizational change to organizational effectiveness.
U : KRUMOV, Krum (ur.), KAMENOVA, Margarita (ur.), RADOVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ur.). The
individual and society : challenges of social change. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sofia:
s.n., 2014, str. 14-30 . [COBISS. SR -ID 512243554]
28. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Marković, Dušan, Baranenko, Elena (2013), Development of
entrepreneurial competences through e-learning. U : RADOVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ur.),
KOČOVIĆ, Jelena (ur.), GROZDANIĆ, Radmila (ur.). Entrepreneurship , finance and education in the
digital age. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2013, Germany, str.: 291-323.

[COBISS. SR -ID 1024537232]. Link: Development of entrepreneurial competences through e-
learning: an evidence of Serbia and Turkey | Semantic Scholar

29. Radović Marković, Mirjana i Krumov, Krum (2013 ). Globalization and organizational change:
major challenges in multi-cultural virtual project teams u knjizi ENTREPRENEURSHIP, FINANCE
AND EDUCATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany,
15-55 pp. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4
30. Marković, Dušan, Radović-Marković, Mirjana i Spasić, Žarko, (2013). Various communication
modalities in organizations with focus on virtual firms. In : Advances in international psychology:
research approaches and personal dispositions, socialization processes and organizational
behavior. VUZF University, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 330-343. ISBN 978-3-86219-454-4 [COBISS. SR -ID
512212834]. Link: RadovicMarkovic.pdf (
31. Radović -Marković , Mirjana (2012) ,Freedom, Individuality and Women's Entrepreneurship
Education. U : CATALIN, Martin (ur.), DRUICA, Elena (ur.). Entrepreneurship education-a priority
for the higher education institutions. Bologna : Medimond,Italy, 2012. [COBISS. SR -ID
512176994]. Link: SSRN-id2164216 (7).pdf
32. Grozdanić, Radmila, Radović Marković, Mirjana, Vučić, Milanka, Jevtić, Boris, Jovančević, Dragica
(2012), Links of SMEs Innovation to Export. U : CATALIN, Martin (ur.), DRUICA, Elena (ur.).
Entrepreneurship education-a priority for the higher education institutions., Medimond, Bologna,
Italy,2012. [COBISS. SR -ID 512176738]
33. Radović -Marković , Mirjana, (2012). Analysis of the Level of Development of Private Sector in
Serbia during the Last Decade. In : Andrade, João Sousa (ed.), Simões, Marta C. N. (ed.), Stošić,

Ivan (ed.), Erić, Dejan (ed.), Hanić, Hasan (ed.). Managing Structural Changes: Trends and
Requirements. Coimbra : Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal , 2012, 249-
277pp. [COBISS. SR -ID 512188002]. Link: Analysis of the Level of Development of Private Sector
in Serbia During the Last Decade - EconBiz
34. Radović -Marković , Mirjana, (2012), Creative education and new learning as means of
encouraging creativity, original thinking and entrepreneurship in monography„ Humanities and
the Contemporary world “, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Podgorica, Montenegro,
2012. Link:
dovic.pdf - Creative Education and New Learning as Means of | Course Hero
35. Radović -Marković , Mirjana, (2011). Organizational behavior in as global context : gender issues.
U : RADOVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana. Organizational behaviour and culture : globalization and the
changing environment of organizations. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken,Germany, 2011,
str.15-25. [COBISS. SR -ID 1024456080]. Link: Organizational Behaviour and Culture: Globalization
and the Changing Environment of Organizations: Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana: 9783639359237: Books
36. Radović -Marković , Mirjana ,(2011), ”Poland's integration with the European union and its
implication for small and medium scale enterprises”. In : Radović-Marković (ed.). Serbia and
the European Union: economic lessons from the new member states, Faculty of Economics of the
University of Coimbra, Portugal. Link: Microsoft Word - koimbra_jan2011.doc (
37. Radović -Marković , Mirjana, (2009), Women’s Entrepreneurship, informal economy and SME
development policies in Serbia, chapter in the book, Female Entrepreneurship and Local Economic
Growth: A Case of Countries in Transition (edited by Mirjana Radovic Markovic et. al), Outskirts
Press, Inc. Denver, Colorado, United States, 2009., 48-64 pp. Avaiable from internet and
link: (1) (PDF) Women's Entrepreneurship, informal economy and SME development policies in
Serbia (
38. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Grozdanić, Radmila, Vučić, Milanka, (2009), Entrepreneurship in
OPPORTUNITIES AND CHOICES (edited by Mirjana Radovic Markovic et al), Indo-American Books,
India, 2009, 182-194 str. [COBISS. SR -ID 512121698]. Link: THE NEW ECONOMY : Challenges,
Opportunities and Choices: Mirjana Radovic Markovic, Dejan Eric, Hasan Hanic, Srdjan Redzepagic
and Ivan Stosic: 9788189617783: Books
39. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Kallinterakis, Vasileios, Munir, Nomana (2009). ”DO INVESTORS HERD
book "Financial Systems Integration of Balkan Countries in the European Financial System: Impact
of Global Financial Crisis", University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis and Institute of Economic Sciences,
Published by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs ,France and the Ministry of
Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 2009. Link: Do
Investors Herd During Extreme Periods in Thin Markets? Evidence from Banja Luka - EconBiz

40. Radović -Marković, Mirjana & Lekić, Snežana (2009), Development and features of female self-
employment in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In : Challenges of economic sciences in the 21st Century.

Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade and Indo-American Publisher, India, str. 279-283 . ISBN

978-86-80315-79-9. Link : [COBISS. SR -ID
1024305808]. Link: Microsoft Word - challenges_ec_sci.doc (
41. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Marković, Dušan, Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2009). „Inclusive
education and distance learning in Serbia“in the book „’Strengthening the educational and
scientific collaboration among Faculties of economics within V4 and countries of South Eastern
Europe" (ed. By Renata Vokorokosova i Janusz K. Grabara), Faculty of management, Czestochowa,
Tehnical University, Poland, 2009, 14-27 str.
42. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2007), The Change of Women’s Roles through the Centuries:
Confrontation of Tradition with New Challenges„ chapter in the book “The Perspective of
Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization”, (edited by Mirjana Radovic Markovic)
Information Age Publishing (IAP), Charlotte, United States, , str.3-13 . Available from internet
(Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute, Sweden)
43. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2007), Women Leaders: Case Study of Serbia, chapter in the book
“The Perspective of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization”, (edited by Mirjana
Radovic Markovic), Information Age Publishing (IAP), Charlotte, United States, 2007, str.87-95.
Link: The Perspective of Women's Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization by Mirjana
Radovic Markovic (
44. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2007), „Women Entrepreneurs and Managers in Serbia“, chapter in
the book “The Perspective of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization”, (edited by
Mirjana Radovic Markovic) Information Age Publishing (IAP), Charlotte, United States, 2007, 77-
87 str. Available from internet (Amazon, Japan)
45. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2007). „Managing the organizational change and culture in the age of
globalization : winning organization, chapter in the book "Gender and informal Economy:
Developing developed and transition countries’’, ICEA & PRENTICECONSULT with support of
UNESCO-a, (ed. Achapka Priscila et al.), Katmandu, Nepal, 2007., 179-203 str.

➢ Monograph of national importance

1.Radović Marković, Mirjana (2022). Qualitative methods of scientific research, including research
projects, University Business Academy, Novi Sad , p. 206.

2.Radović Marković, Mirjana, Radulović Dejan ,Đukanović Borislav, Economic, legal and social-
psychological aspects of working from home(2021), “akademska kinjižarnica Zoran Stojanović”, Novi

Sad , 272 p. ISBN 978-86-7543-396-5. Link: (1) (PDF) Freelancer: "The spirit of the globally desirable
stateless citizen": Mirjana Radović Marković, Dejan Radulović, Borislav Đukanović: Working from Home -
Economic, Legal and Socio-Psychological Aspects of Working from Home, Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana
Stojanovića, Sremski Karlovci - Novi Sad, 2021 (
3.Radović Marković, Mirjana (2019), Metodologija naučnog istraživanja u društvenim naukama, UDG

4. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Hanić, Hasan (2016), Metodologija naučnog istraživanja u ekonomskom
naukama, Institut ekonomskih nauka i Beogradska bankarska akademija, Čigoja, Beograd, 2016. 246 str.
5. Karavidić, Slavko, Radović Marković, Mirjana, Karavidić-Čukanović, Marija (2016), Preduzetništvo:
savremene tendencije razvoja. Beograd: Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, 2016. 290
str., ISBN 978-86-6069-090-8.
6. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Grozdanić, Radmila, Jevtić, Borislav (2014), Razvoj privatnog sektora u
zemljama zapadnog Balkana u poređenju sa EU. Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka: Nacionalna
agencija za regionalni razvoj, 2014. 275 str. ISBN 978-86-89465-11-2.
7. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2009), Preduzetništvo: vrste preduzetništva i preduzetnika. Beograd:
Institut ekonomskih nauka, 2009. 272 str. ISBN 978-86-80315-81-2.
8. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2007), Globalni menadžment: uticaj globalizacije na organizacionu
strukturu i kulturu preduzeća. Beograd: Magnus, 2007. 140 str., ISBN 978-86-908639-2-1.
9. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2007), Preduzetništvo: proces i praksa.Beograd: Digital Art, 2007. ISBN
10. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2006), Samozapošljavanje: Biznis od kuće, Beograd: Digital Art,2006
,213 str. [COBISS. SR -ID 130704140]

➢ Poglavlje u knizi ili članak u tematskom zborniku nacionalnog značaja

1. Radović -Marković, Mirjana (2015), The role of the Academy of Sciences in the exchange of scientific
knowledge and experiences in order to encourage the socio-economic development of the countries
of the Western Balkans. In: The role of the Academy of Sciences and Arts in the development of the
society of the future (Scientific conferences). Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska,
Banja Luka, pp. 167-178. ISBN 978-99938-21-64-9

2. Grozdanić, Radmila, Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vukotić, Vladimir (2014). Incentives for the agro-
industrial sector of the Balkan countries. In: DRAŠKOVIĆ, Božo, editor. Deindustrialization in Serbia:

opportunities for revitalization of the industrial sector. Belgrade: Institute of Economic Sciences:
Belgrade Banking Academy, Faculty of Banking, Insurance and Finance, 2014, p. 585-605, tables. [COBISS. SR -ID 512253538]
3. Radović -Marković, Mirjana and Kočović, Milica and Milivojević, Saša (2014) the importance of risk
management work in the insurance industry. In : risk measurement and control in insurance.
Publication Center of the Faculty of Economics, Belgrade, PIM University, Banja Luka, p. 311-327. ISBN
978-86-403-1362-9 [COBISS. SR -ID 512265314]
4. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, Jovančević, Dragica, Vujičić, Slađana, (2014) . Making the choice of a
business strategy which will be stimulating for employees. International Conference on Social and
Technological Development, ISSN 2303-498X. [COBISS. SR -ID 512280162]
5. Radović -Marković, Mirjana, Vujičić, Slađana, (2014), Innovative global companies: some case studies.
In: RADOVIĆ MARKOVIĆ, Mirjana (ed.), VUJIČIĆ, Slađana (ed.), IVKOVIĆ, Dragan (ed.).

Entrepreneurship: factors affecting small-scale business performance and development. Belgrade:
Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2014, p. 403-417. [COBISS. SR -ID 512270178]
6. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, Kočović, Milica and Milivojević, Saša, (2014). The importance of
operational risk management in the insurance industry. In: Risk measurement and control in
insurance. Faculty of Economics Publishing Center, Belgrade, pp. 311-327. ISBN 978-86-403-1362-9
[COBISS. SR -ID 512265314]
7. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Grozdanić, Radmila (2013) . Risks and damages in the conditions of
globalization and climate change in: Proceedings Product specifics on the markets of insurance and
reinsurance, (editors: Kočović, Jovanović-Gavrilović, Radović-Marković). Belgrade: University of
Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, Publishing Centre, Serbia, 460 pp. ISBN 978-86-403-1309-4
8. . Radmila Grozdanić, Mirjana Radović-Marković, Boris Jevtić, (2013). New technologies, green growth
and jobs in the book Rural Entrepreneurship : opportunities and challenges ,Faculty of Business
Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia, 92-113 pp
9. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2012). New challenges in changing labour markets. Belgrade : Institute
of Economic Sciences, 2012, str. 3-21, graf. prikazi. [COBISS. SR -ID 512169826]
10. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2012). Age Discrimination in Employment of Women in Serbia. In New
challenges in changing labour markets. Belgrade : Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia, 2012, 3-
11. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2011),Obrazovni sistem i potrebe privrede u Srbiji. U : ZUBOVIĆ, Jovan
(ur.). Aktivne mere na tržištu rada i pitanja zaposlenosti : tematski zbornik. Beograd : Institut
ekonomskih nauka, 2011, str.27-42. [COBISS. SR -ID 1024426128]
12. Radović Marković, Mirjana, Grozdanić, Radmila, (2010), Institucionalna infrastrukturna podrška
razvoju industrijskih MSP u Srbiji. U : LEKOVIĆ, Vlastimir R. (ur.). Institucionalne promene kao
determinanta privrednog razvoja Srbije. Kragujevac : Ekonomski fakultet, 2010, str. 247-261, 414, graf.
prikazi. [COBISS. SR -ID 1024402064]
13. . Radović Marković, Mirjana, (2010), Tranzicija i nezaposlenost žena starijih od 50 godina: smanjenje
nezaposlenosti kroz nove oblike obrazovanja. U : DRAŠKOVIĆ, Božo (ur.). Kraj privatizacije, posledice
po ekonomski razvoj i nezaposlenost u Srbiji. Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka: Beogradska
bankarska akademija: 2010, str: 261-268. .
[COBISS. SR -ID 1024391312]
14. Stefanović, Saša, Radović Marković, Mirjana, Ćirilović, Tamara (2009), Foreign direct investment as a
factor of economic growth and development of the Serbia. U : CANTINO, Valter (ur.), et al. Business
Opportunities in Serbia: the case of Italian business sector and the role of management education.
Belgrade: Belgrade Banking Academy, Faculty for Baking, Insurance and Finance: Institute of Economic
Sciences, 2009, str. 251-257. [COBISS. SR -ID
15. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2008), Rehabilitation of large pit mines as an important precondition for
sustainable development of Serbia. U : CVIJANOVIĆ, Drago (ur.), et al. Thematic Proceedings. Belgrade
[etc.]: Institute of Agricultural Economics [etc.], 2008, str.: 126-130. [COBISS. SR -ID 1024278672]
16. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2008), Uticaj globalizacije na stvaranje novog modela preduzeća i
njegovih konkurentskih prednosti = Globalization and its impact on firm's new models and its
competitive advantages. U : DRAŠKOVIĆ, Božo (ur.), VUKOVIĆ, Vlastimir (ur.). Tržišne strukture i zaštita
konkurencije : iskustva zemalja u tranziciji. Beograd : Institut ekonomskih nauka: Beogradska

bankarska akademija 2008, str. 111-121 .
[COBISS. SR -ID 1024280208]
17. Radović Marković, Mirjana (2007), Masovna proizvodnja gnetski modifikovane hrane : konflikt
interesa između proizvodača i konzumenata. U : CVIJANOVIĆ, Drago (ur.), HAMOVIĆ, Vladana (ur.),
SUBIĆ, Jonel (ur.). Očuvanje ruralnih vrednosti : tematski zbornik. Knj. 1 . Beograd [itd.]: Institut za
ekonomiku poljoprivrede [itd.], 2007, str.: 96-103. [COBISS. SR -ID 512055650]

➢ Članak u vrhunskom časopisu međunarodnog značaja Clarivate Analytics (Q1)

1. Radović -Marković, Mirjana (2009). Education through e-learning: Case of Serbia, Journal of Business
Economics and Management, North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) and Vilnus
Gediminas Tehnical University, Lithvania, 10(4):313-319 pp. 2009. Link: (1) (PDF) Education through e‐
learning: Case of Serbia (
2. Radović -Marković, Mirjana (2008), Managing the Organizational Change and Culture in the Age of
Globalization, Journal of Business Economics and Management, North-German Academy of
Informatology (Stralsund) and Vilnus Gediminas Tehnical University, Lithvania 9 (1):1-12 pp., 2008. Link:
(1) (PDF) Managing the organizational change and culture in the age of globalization (

➢ Članak u istaknom međunarodnom časoipisu Clarivate Analytics (Q2)
1.Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Živanović, Branko (2019) Fostering Green Entrepreneurship and
Women’s Empowerment through Education and Banks’ Investments in Tourism - evidence from Serbia.
Sustainability, 23 (11). ISSN 2071-1050 ( M22 SCI list). Link: (1) (PDF) Fostering Green Entrepreneurship
and Women’s Empowerment through Education and Banks’ Investments in Tourism: Evidence from
Serbia (
3.Kabir , Muhamad Shahjahan,Radović -Marković, Mirjana i Radulović, Dejan (2019 ), The Determinants
of Income of Rural Women in Bangladesh,Bazel, Švajcarska,Sustainability, December , str. 1-13 , vol. 11 ,
no.20. ,ISSN 2071-1050 [COBISS. SR -ID 512574562]
4. Minović, Jelena, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Drašković, Božo (2013), Financial Engineering Education :
The Case Study of Financial Modelling Using Games. International Journal of Engineering Education,
2013, vol. 29, Issue 3. Ireland , Great Britain .Link: Financial Engineering Education : The Case Study of
Financial Modelling Using Games Digitalni repozitorijum Instituta ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu
5. Radović -Marković , Mirjana (2013), Globalization and Gender Participation in the Informal Sector in
Developing and Transitional Countries”, E + M (Economics and Management Journal), Technical
University of Liberec in cooperation with other universities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, 4/2009 6-
16 pp. Link: (1) Globauzation and gender participation in the informal sector in developing and
transitional countries | Request PDF (

➢ Članak u međunarodnom časoipisu Clarivate Analytics (Q3)

1. Radović -Marković , Mirjana & Tomaš , Rajko (2018), Development of small countries in the business
environment of the European Union, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, ISSN– L 2247 –
8310, No.1, feb/2018. Link: Development of Small Countries in the Business Environment of the European
Union Digitalni repozitorijum Instituta ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu (
2.Marković, Dušan, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Minović, Jelena (2015). Virtual team competence
defining model. Economic research - ekonomska istrazivanja, 2015, vol. 28 br. 1, str. 1034-1045. Francis &
Taylor, UK. Link: A new virtual team competence defining model Digitalni repozitorijum Instituta
ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu (
3 .Radović -Marković, Mirjana (2014). Unleashing the potential of the small and medium enterprise
sector in Serbia. Ekonomska istraživanja, ISSN 1331-677X, 2014, vol.27, br.1, str. 700-712,, doi:
10.1080/1331677X.2014.974341. [COBISS. SR -ID 512272738]. Francis & Taylor, UK
4.Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2013), Evaluation of SME development in Serbia. АктуалЬни проблеми
економіки, (SCI list Thomson Reuters). ISSN 1993-6788, 2013, vol. 145, no. 7, str. 422-431, tabele.
[COBISS.SR-ID 512404834]. Link: (1) Evaluation of SME development in Serbia | Request PDF
5.Kallinterakis, Vasileios, Munir, Nomana , Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana (2010),Herd behaviour, illiquidity
and extreme market states: Evidence from Banja Luka, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Sage, 2010:
9 (3), 305-324. Link: Herd Behaviour, Illiquidity and Extreme Market States: Evidence from Banja Luka -
Vasileios Kallinterakis, Nomana Munir, Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, 2010 (

➢ Nacionalni časopisi međunarodnog značaja (SCI Q4 i SCOPUS Q3)

1. . Md. Shajahan, Kabir, Sahati, Wahid Zini, Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2022). Women
empowerment through agricultural technology : case study of Mymensingh-Bangladesh.
International review., no. 3/4, str. 57-66, tabele. ISSN 2217-9739. DOI:
10.5937/intrev2204059M. [COBISS.SR-ID 83800585]. Link:
2. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Vučeković, Miloš, Nikitović, Zorana, Lapčević, Goran (2021). Learner
creativity among entrepreneurship students in higher education through E-Learning (2021).
International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Cullowhee, NC: Academy of Entrepreneurship, United

Kingdom, p. 7-15. ISSN 1099-9264. (SCOPUS Q3). Link: Learner-Creativity-among-
Entrepreneurship-Students-in-Higher-Education-through-E-Learning.pdf (

3. Vučeković, Miloš, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Djukanović, Borislav, Duković, Svetlana
Dragojević, Arsen (2021). Gender Aspects of Working from Home in Serbia, Journal of Women's

Entrepreneurship and Education, n. 1-2, p. 18-36. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade. ISSN
1821-1283. (SCOPUS Q3). Link: vučeković et al.pdf (
4. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Stevanović, Mirjana, Milojević, Nataša (2021). Remote Working in
Terms of Covid 19. International journal of entrepreneurship, Cullowhee, NC: Academy of

Entrepreneurship, p. 1-6. ISSN 1099-9264. (SCOPUS Q3). Link: remote-working-in-terms-of-
covid-19.pdf (

5. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Tomaš-Mishkin Sonja, Marković, Dušan (2019). Digitalization and
agility of enterprises and banks: IT Competencies of Managers and Virtual Team Members.
International journal of entrepreneurship, Allied Business Academies, London, Great Britain, p.
1-7. ISSN 1099-9264 (SCOPUS Q3). Link: Digitalization and Agility of Enterprises and Banks: IT
Competencies of Managers and Virtual Team Members Digitalni repozitorijum Instituta
ekonomskih nauka u Beogradu (
6. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Tomaš, Rajko (2018). Resilience of Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises in Terms of Globalization: an Evidence of Serbia, International journal of
entrepreneurship, Cullowhee, NC: Academy of Entrepreneurship, vol. 22, no. 3, p. 1-7. [COBISS.

SR -ID 512514658]. ISSN 1099-9264. (SCOPUS Q3). Link: Resilience-of-small-and-medium-sized-
enterprises-in-terms-of-globalization-an-evidence-of-serbia- 1939-4675-22-3-162.pdf

7. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, (2018). Female Entrepreneurship Opportunity: Home-Based
Genealogy Business. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, ISSN 1821-1283.
[Printed edition], 2018, no. 3-4, p. 20-33,, doi: 10.28934/jwee
18.34.pp20-33. [COBISS. SR -ID 512543586]
8. Acakpa, Priscilla & Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2018). Employment Women Through
Entrepreneurship Development and Education in Developing Countries, Journal of Women's
Entrepreneurship and Education, n. 1-2, p. 17-30, June. 2018. ISSN 2406-0674 [COBISS. SR -ID
9. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, Marković, Dušan, Simović, Vladimir, Medić, Zorica, Živadinović,
Jovan (2017), E-learning as a tool for empowering entrepreneurship, Journal of Women's
Entrepreneurship and Education, n. 3-4, p. 65-72, Dec. 2017. ISSN 2406-0674. Available at:
10. Shaib F. Mohamad., Salam, Maimoona, Jafar, Norizan, Sajid, Alain, Fajol, Radović Marković,
Mirjana, (2017). Acceptance and use of lecture capture system (LCS) in executive business
studies: Extending UTAUT2", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Emerald insights
(SCOPUS Q3), Vol. 14 Issue: 4, pp. 329-348, 2017. https:/ /
11. Radović -Marković, Mirjana, Lutovac, Mitar, Vujičić, Slađana (2016), The effect of
entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial skills of young people. Trends in business,
ISSN 2334-816X, 2016, year 4, no. 7, p. 45-49.
816X/2016/2334-816X1601045R.pdf#search="mirjanaradovicmarkovic". [COBISS. SR -ID
12. Radović, Gordana, Radović - Marković, Mirjana (2016). Significance of Rural Tourism for Female
Entrepreneurship Development in the Republic of Serbia. ISSN 1821-1283, 2016, no. 3/4, p. 3-
19. [COBISS. SR -ID 227960588]

13. Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2016), Empowering Employment of Women and Marginalized
People Through Entrepreneurship Education in Serbia. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship
and Education (1-2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 1821-1283
14. Salamzadeh, Jašar, Salamzadeh, Aidin, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2016). Cultural Intelligence
and Network Organizations in Society: Case of Tehran Neighborhood Councils. International
review, ISSN 2217-9739. [Printed edition], 2016, vol. 4, no. 1/2, p. 46-58, [COBISS. SR -ID
223873804].Link: Cultural Intelligence and Network Organizations in Society: Case of Tehran
Neighborhood Councils by Yashar Salamzadeh, Aidin Salamzadeh, Mirjana Radovic Markovic ::
15. Kabir, Muhamad, Radović - Marković, Mirjana, Islam, Monjurul, Akther, Rahima, Grozdanić,
Radmila, Nikitović, Zorana (2014), Social capital in rural poor women entrepreneurship: The
Case of Bangladesh, Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics; Craiova, (SCOPUS Q3),
Vol. 5, Iss. 1 (9), (Summer 2014): 4-14.
16. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2013). Female entrepreneurship: theoretical approaches. Journal
of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, JWEE, No.1-2-
17. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2011). Critical employment analysis: theory, methodology and
research. Journal of security and sustainability issues, ISSN 2029-7017, 2011, (SCOPUS Q3), vol.
1, no. 2, p. 113-121. [COBISS. SR -ID 512434018]
18. Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2010). "Rural Entrepreneurship and sustainable economic
development in Serbia", Agricultural Economy, Vol. 57, No. SB /SI -2 (1-656), Belgrade, 583-589
19. Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2008). Economic and legal aspects of franchising. Topics: Journal of
Social Theory and Practice, 31 (2). p. 391-399. ISSN 0353-7919
20. Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2007). Characteristics of the e-learning system and perspectives of
its development and application in higher education. Teaching and education, ISSN 0547-3330,

no. 4, 2007, pp.: 470-485, graph. displays.
content/uploads/2016/05/niv-04-07.pdf?v=8cee5050eeb7. [COBISS. SR -ID 512060258]

➢ Članak u vodećem časopisu nacionačnog značaja

1. . Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Vučeković Miloš, Marković Dušan, (2021). The impact of
globalization on innovation in Montenegro and the countries of the Western Balkans,
Megatrend magazine: an international magazine for applied economics. ISSN 1820-3159. - yr.
18, no. 3 (2021), p. 21-33
2. .Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Brnjas, Zvonko, Simović, Vladimir, (2019). The impact of
globalization on entrepreneurship, Economic analysis, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade,
No. 1-2, 2019. ISSN 1821-2573
3. . Acakpa, Priscilla & Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2018). Employment Women Through
Entrepreneurship Development and Education in Developing Countries, Journal of Women's
Entrepreneurship and Education, n. 1-2, p. 17-30, June. 2018. ISSN 2406-0674 [COBISS. SR -ID

4. Golubović-Stojanović, Aleksandra, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Vujičić, Slađana, Stevanović,
Mirjana (2016), Employees' perceptions of their leaders. Economic Analysis, Institute of
Economic Sciences, Belgrade, 2016. Vol. 49 (1/2). pp. 36-47. ISSN 1821-2573, [COBISS. SR -ID
5. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, (2015). The Limits of the Scientific Method in Economics and
Business: A Critical View. Economic analysis, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, 2015, 48
(3-4). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1821-2573
6. Asaduzaman, Md. S., Kabir, R. N. Ali, Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2015). Gender Inequality in
Bangladesh. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, Institute of Economic
Sciences, Belgrade, 2015, (3-4). pp. 54-64. ISSN 1821-1283
7. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, (2014), Women in Business Environment: Types of Stress Women
Are Exposed. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, ISSN 1821-1283, 2014, no.
3/4, p. 37-47.
[COBISS. SR -ID 211195404]
8. Vujičić, Slađana, Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Ivković, Dragan, Nikitović, Zorana (2014) A leaders'
influence on the definition and implementation of strategy in organizations. Economic analysis,
47 (3-4). pp. 90-103. ISSN 1821-2573.
9. Radović-Marković, Mirjana, Grozdanić, Radmila, Jevtić, Boris, Čukanović-Karavidić, Marija and
Vukosavljević, Dejan (2013), Challenges of climate change. Ecologica: science, economy,
experiences, 20 (70). p. 159-163. ISSN 0354-3285
10. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, Grozdanić, Radmila, Jovančević, Dragica, Jevtić, Boris and
Vukosavljević, Dejan (2013) The importance of the environmental vulnerability monitoring.
Ecologica: science, economy, experiences, 20 (70). p. 141-148. ISSN 0354-3285
11. Radović - Marković, Mirjana, (2005), Leadership abilities of women and their position in the
business world. Topics: journal of social theory and practice, 2005, Vol. 29 (3). p. 271-282. ISSN

➢ Uređivanje međunarodnih tematskih monografija
1 Litovchenko Grigorievic, Viktor (editor), Radović-Marković, Mirjana (editor), (2019). Ecological
Agriculture and Sustainable Development. Belgrade, Serbia; Bologna, Italy: Research Development
Center-FBEE; Proceedings Filodiritto, 2019. 381 p., graph. views, illustr. ISBN 978-88-85813-52-6.
[COBISS. SR -ID 512555106]
2 Radović-Marković, Mirjana, (2018). Business management, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial
tendencies. Silver & Smith Publishers, London, Great Britain, 2018.204 p. ISBN: 978-1-9993029-3-1.
[COBISS. SR -ID 512525410]
3 Domazet, Ivana (editor), Radović-Marković, Mirjana (editor), Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (editor),
(2018). Digital transformation: new challenges and business opportunities. London : Silver and Smith
Publishers, 2018. 353 pp., illus. ISBN 978-1-9993029-4-8. [COBISS. SR -ID 512538722]
4 Radović Marković, Mirjana (editor), Nikitović, Zorana (editor), Zanadu, Linjije Čo, (editor), 2017).
Insights and potential sources of new entrepreneurial growth: Proceedings of the international

roundtable on entrepreneurship, December 4, 2016. Belgrade. Bologna, Italy: Filodiritto Publisher
Inforomatica, 2017. 399 pp., tables, graph. displays. ISBN 978-88-95922-84-3. [COBISS. SR -ID
5 Radović Marković, Mirjana (editor), Shoab Faruk, (editor), Vujičić, Slađana (editor), (2017).
Organizational behavior and types of leadership styles and strategies in terms of globalization. Newton
Abbot: Compass Publishing, 2017. 257 pp., illus. ISBN 978-1-912009-87-9. [COBISS. SR -ID 512476514]
6 Radović Marković, Mirjana (editor and author of additional text), ILIEVA, Snežana (editor and author
of additional text), Andrej, Jean-Vasil (editor), (2016). Development, competitiveness and inequality in
the EU and Western Balkans. Sofia : Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, 2016. 207 pp., graph. views,
tables. ISBN 978-954-07-4066-9. [COBISS. SR -ID 512361314]
7 Radović - Marković, Mirjana (editor), Kyaruzi, Imani Silver (editor), Nikitović, Zorana (editor), (2016).
Entrepreneurship: types, current trends and future perspectives. Belgrade: Faculty of Business
Economics and Entrepreneurship (BEE); Hilo: Akamai University; Great Britain: Institute of Social
Entrepreneurship (IRESEED), 2016. 508 p., graph. views, tables. ISBN 978-1-5323-2194-8. [COBISS. SR -ID
8. Ilieva, Snežana (editor), Radović Marković, Mirjana (editor), Jankulova, Joana (editor), (2016).
Leadership and organization development : International scientific conference leadership and
organization development, Kiten, Bulgaria : Book of Papers = Leadership and organization development :
International scientific conference "Leadership and organization development", Kiten, Bulgaria : Sbornik
s dokladi. Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2016. 1311 p., illustr. ISBN 978-954-07-
4129-1. [COBISS. SR -ID 512400994]
9. Radović-Marković, Mirjana (editor, author of additional text), Ilijeva, Snežana (editor, author of
additional text), Vunjak, Nenad (editor, author of additional text), (2015). Development,
competitiveness and inequality in the EU and Western Balkans: book of abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of
Economic Sciences; Subotica: Faculty of Economics; Sofia : University St. Kliment Ohridski, 2015. 88 p.
ISBN 978-86-89465-19-8. [COBISS. SR -ID 219152396]
10. Radović - Marković, Mirjana (editor), Nikitović, Zorana (editor), Jovančević, Dragica (editor), (2015).
Toward green economy: opportunities and obstacles for Western Balkan countries. Bloomington :
Xlibris, 2015. X , 322 p., graph. views, tables. ISBN 978-1-5035-3295-3. [COBISS. SR -ID 47825167]
11. Krumov, Krum (editor), Kamenova, Margarita (editor), Radović-Marković, Mirjana (editor), (2014).
The individual and society: challenges of social change. Sofia: s.n., 2014. 307 p., graph. views, tables.
ISBN 978-954-411-151-9. [COBISS. SR -ID 512243298]
12. Radović - Marković, Mirjana (editor), Kočović, Jelena (editor), GROZDANIĆ, Radmila (editor), (2013).
Entrepreneurship, finance and education in the digital age. Saarbrücken : Lap Lambert Academic
Publishing, 2013. 400 p., graph. views, illustr. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4. [COBISS. SR -ID 1024536464]
13. Radović Marković, Mirjana (editor), Redžepagić, Srdjan (editor), Sousa Andrade, Žão (editor),
Teixeira, Paulino (editor), (2011). Serbia and the European Union: economic lessons from the new
member states. Coimbra: Faculdade de economia Universidade de Coimbra, 2011. 406 p. ISBN 978-972-
9344-03-9. [COBISS. SR -ID 1024417936]

14. Kyaruzi, Imani Silver (editor), Radović-Marković, Mirjana (editor), (2009). Female entrepreneurship
and local economic growth: A case of countries in transition. Denver, Colorado: Outskirts Press, Inc.,
2009. XIV, 491 p., illus. ISBN 978-1-4327-4755-8. [COBISS. SR -ID 512118370]
15. Radović-Marković, Mirjana (editor), (2007). The perspective of women's entrepreneurship in the
age of Globalization, IAP Publisher, United States.

➢ Uvodna predavanja po pozivu (2010-2022)


Business School, Oxford, June 16, 2010, Great Britain.
radovic and

2. COUNTRY NOTE: SERBIA, (plenary presentation as an OECD expert for Serbia), Experts' Working
Group, Black Sea and Central Asia Initiative Asia and Pacific Desk OECD Development Center Paris,
March 11, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH EDUCATION, University of St. Kliment Ohridski, University of Sofia,
Faculty of Philosophy - Department of Social, Work and Educational Psychology, November, 2012,
Sofia, Bulgaria.
ORIGINAL THINKING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, presentation at the international conference
"Humanities and the contemporary world", Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (CANU),
7-9 June 2012, Podgorica, Montenegro.
FROM SERBIA AND TURKEY, Inaugural lecture at the European Academy of Sciences (London) at
the jubilee conference, "European science and scholarship looking ahead - challenges of the
next 25 Years", on the occasion of 25 years since the establishment of the Academy, September

16 - 19, 2013. Wroclaw, Poland,

Forum "Science and Technology: Impact on Society and Economy", World Academy of Arts and
Sciences (WAAS), 5-7. March 2013. Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics
(ICTP Trieste, Italy.
Conference: Economy of Montenegro - Cooperation to Prosperity, plenary lecture by invitation,
Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, 28-29. November 2013. Budva, Montenegro

9. ECONOMIC IMPACT OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS (inaugural lecture by invitation),
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 4-6. March, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014.
10. THE NATURE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP, (lecture to students by invitation) VUZF University, Sofia,
Bulgaria, April 2014.
AND PROFIT? presentation at the international conference, "TRANSITION TO A NEW SOCIETY",
Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (CANU), March 20-22, 2014, Podgorica, Montenegro
12. DIFFERENT TYPES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP (series of lectures for master's students), Sv. Kliment
Ohridski, University of Sofia, 16-23. June, 2014, Kiten, Bulgaria.
WESTERN BALKAN COUNTRIES, plenary lecture at "Summer School on Democracy: Innovation and
change in public and private sectors". University of Wroclaw, 22.06-06.07. 2014, Poland.
GOOD PRACTICE, Union of Economists of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics
in Podgorica and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Round table: "YOUTH AND EMPLOYMENT IN
MONTENEGRO", Faculty of Economics, May 28, 2014 , Podgorica, Montenegro.
WESTERN BALKANS, plenary presentation at the Round Table "The Role of Science and the Academy
in the Development of Society", Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska (ANURS),
September 19 , Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, 2014.
annual international scientific conference "Development, Competitiveness and Inequality in EU and
Western Balkans" organized by the Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, November 26, 2015.

17.IMPOSSIBLE MARKETS, Sofia, Bulgaria, April, 2016.

18. Organizational change: linking transformational leadership, empowerment and commitment to
change: theoretical model. Leadership and organization development: International scientific
conference leadership and organization development, Kiten, Bulgaria, June, 2016.
19. IMPOSSIBLE MARKETS, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2017.
20.Fostering resilience of the enterprises in Serbia, Kruševac: "Prof. Dr. Radomir Bojković", 2017.
21. SMEs and Resilience, Sv. Kliment Ohridski, University of Sofia, 10-15. June 2017
Opportunities of Working in Multicultural environment, University of Sofia, Bulgaria,15-18. June
22. Home-based Firms, Sv. Kliment Ohridski, University of Sofia, 12-15. June 2019

23. Macroeconomic environment in the countries of the Western Balkans, Ohrid, North Macedonia
,15-17 September ,2022.
24. Competency-based Education and the Workplace Success: Theoretical approach, Sofia University
St. Kliment Ohridski ( 50 Anniversary ), 1 June 2022.
25. The changing nature of education: Implication for Sustainable Development, Warszawa , Poland ,
28 November 2022.
26. Relationships between personalized learning (CBE) and job success in digital economy, 19 th
International Shumpeter Conference , Shumpeter Society ,Changsha ,China.

➢ Predgovori u knjigama (2007-2020)
1. The Perspective of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization”, (edited by Mirjana
Radovic Markovic) Information Age Publishing (IAP), Charlotte, United States, 2007, . Available from

internet (Amazon, Japan)

2.Entrepreneurship, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd, oktobar 2012.
3. Employment, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd, oktobar 2012.
4. Entrepreneurship: Economic Development&Finance, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i
preduzetništvo, Beograd, oktobar 2013.
5. Rural Entrepreneurship: opportunities and challenges, Faculty of Business Economics and
Entrepreneurship, Belgrade,Serbia, 2013.
6. Entrepreneurship: factors affecting small-scale business performance and development / [The Third]
International Conference Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship [EEE 2014], 15-17 October 2014
537 str,Belgrade Serbia ; [organizer Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship ; editors
Mirjana Radovic Markovic, Sladjana Vujicic, Dragan Ivkovic. ISBN 978-86-6069-106-6 ,[
7. Competitiveness and Inequality in EU and Western Balkans, Institute of Economic Sciences,
Belgrade, Serbia and Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria,2015.
8. Toward Green Economy: Opportunities and Obstacles for Western Balkan Countries, Xlibris,
Sjedinjene Države, 2015.303 str.
9. ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Types, Current Trends And Future Perspectives, Bar Code Graphics, Inc.
Chicago.IL,6061,United States of America,2016.str.509. ISBN 978-1-5323-2194-8.
10. Development, Competitiveness and Inequality in EU and Western Balkans, Sofia University St.
Kliment Ohridski, Bugasrka, 2016.str. 207,ISBN 978-954-07-4066-9.
11. Organisational behavior and types of leadership styles and strategies in terms of globalization.
Newton Abbot: Compass Publishing, 2017. 257 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-1-912009-87-9.

12. Insights and potential sources of new entrepreneurial growth : Proceedings of the international
roundtable on entrepreneurship, 4 December 2016. Belgrade. Bologna, Italy: Filodiritto Publisher
Inforomatica, 2017. 399 str., tabele, graf. prikazi. ISBN 978-88-95922-84-3.
13. Business management, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial tendencies. Silver&Smith
Publishers,London,Great Britain,2018.204 str. ISBN: 978-1-9993029-3-1

dr Mirjana Radović Marković