The HQ SACT Internship Programme 2025 aims to provide a small number of current or recent students with the opportunity to ‘intern’ with HQ SACT in Norfolk, Virginia, HQ SACT, Staff Element Europe, Mons, Belgium, SACT Representative in Europe, Brussels, Belgium or at the Joint Analysis Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) in Monsanto, Lisbon, Portugal.
In 2008 the Headquarters of the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), located in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, introduced its Internship Programme. This programme is part of ACT’s broader communication strategy to promote HQ SACT and ACT activities and provide the participating nations’ best and brightest students with opportunities to contribute to a dynamic and strategic military headquarters in the USA with an international military and civilian staff. While employed, interns will gain an understanding of how HQ SACT leads the transformation of the NATO Alliance, by helping nations, including partners, improve their military effectiveness and increased interoperability by combining new concepts, capabilities and doctrine with advanced research and technology degrees.
Applications for the 2025 internships are now being accepted, the current deadline is 30 April 2024.
Further details of the programme can be found on the HQ SACT web site